Friday, 3 February 2012

Love Your Library

Why do I care that tomorrow is National Libraries Day?

didn't grow up in a house filled with books (I don’t think the Littlewoods catalogue counts). But I did grow up with my mum taking me and my sister to the local library. The weekly pilgrimage was the only way we could afford to satisfy our appetite for books. I can still remember being transported from my terraced Council house to the seaside boarding school from the Malory Tower series. And I spent hours copying pictures from reference books to create my handmade (does this count as self-publishing?) non-fiction book, ‘Fashion through the Ages’ (my love of books and clothes has never faded). From picture books right through to reference books for my teaching degree, the library was a big part of my life.

When I was a student the first time around, I had a Saturday job as a Librarian’s assistant in the neighbouring town of Denny.

This photo of the shopping precinct, including the library, helps explain why Denny was nominated for a 'Plook on the Plinth' award for being the most dismal town in Scotland.

Being on the other side of the Returns desk was an eye-opener. The staff were regularly abused by local neds, used as a free crèche and often we had to reach for the antibacterial spray and a cloth when some of our dodgy  interesting characters returned books (you really don’t want to know why!)

But most folk appreciated how important the library was to their local community and respected the staff. A library isn’t just about books. My village library is very small but there’s music, DVDs and a wireless computer network. It has a Book Group, Toddlerhyme and plays host to the local history group as well as being a venue for mini exhibitions and gatherings.

In the digital age some might argue that libraries are now redundant when information is available at the click of a mouse from the comfort of your own home. But not everyone has internet access or a place to read quietly, especially in deprived areas. I’ve always felt strongly that libraries should also be open on a Sunday when families have more time to visit, students need a place to work and the community can meet for social events.

Libraries are not just the heartbeat of a community; they are a political statement to demonstrate a nation’s commitment to free information for all, regardless of your postcode. It’s so sad that library opening hours are being cut and some libraries are even being threatened with closure.  I’m fortunate enough to be able to buy most of the fiction books I read but I still visit my library most weeks, whether it’s to borrow a travel guide, hear a visiting writer or pick up a copy of the magazine Booktime. I also pop in to get free doggy poo bags that are handed out so I won’t have anyone say libraries deliver a crap service (excuse the pun) when there’s something for everyone, even my dogs.

Forget Valentine’s Day, love your library while you still have one!

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